Whether conducted in the United States or far off lands, many surveys find the number one reason for divorce is poor communication. Beyond having different communication styles, issues often arise when both partners are not comfortable talking about their feelings.The good news is, talking about … [Read more...]
3 Emotional Challenges of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom — And How to Overcome Them!
Being a stay-at-home mom can be very rewarding, but also incredibly challenging. There’s the guilt about not bringing home a paycheck combined with, at times, significant loneliness. If you’ve ever felt joy when a salesman shows up unannounced at your front door, you know what I’m talking about! … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Improve Self Esteem When You Have Depression
Depression and low self-esteem are two sides of the same coin. While low self-esteem leaves people vulnerable to depression, depression can absolutely destroy self-esteem.But, though low self-esteem may be deeply rooted, there are things you can do to improve it, even if you are suffering from … [Read more...]
Why Timing is Everything When it Comes to Marriage Counseling
Seeking help from a marriage counselor is not unlike seeking help from a mechanic. It makes little sense to take your car into the shop a month after it started making a horrific noise. By that time, too much damage may have been done and your engine may be beyond repair. By the same token, the … [Read more...]